Friday, June 1, 2012

I'M CHELSEA Die Hard Fan

Asslamualaikum tangan dihulur.....

di waktu pagi cegini aq nk update blog aq.. ramai org tegur blog aq bersawang.. batman, spiderman, kluang man semua ada..... 

CHELSEA tahukah anda apa itu?
CHELSEA Fotball Club Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1905, kebetulan pula CHELSEA juara CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL baru2 ni menentang BAYERN MUNICH.. bwh ni ada gambar lambang2 CHELSEA yg telah ditukar sebanyak 5 kali semenjak penubuhan pd tahun 1905..


1905 - 1952
Chelsea's official badge has changed five times (with a few variations on each) in our 100+ year history.

Badge 1905-1952This is the the first Chelsea badge showing one of the famous Chelsea Pensioners that gave rise to our early nickname. It was never worn on any shirts however but did appear on later matchday programmes.

1952 - 1953

Badge 1952-1953When Ted Drake became Chelsea manager in 1952, he instigated a move away from the old 'Pensioners' tag and wanted a new image to go with the new nickname, the Blues. While the new design was being worked on, this cipher of the club's initials was used for a solitary season as a stop-gap. 

1953 - 1986

Badge 1953-1986Probably the most famous of the Chelsea badges and used for 33 years, this design was inspired by the civic coat of arms of the Metropolitan Borough of Chelsea.

The lion was derived from the Arms of Earl Cadogan who was president of the club and also held the title Viscount Chelsea. The staff is that of the Abbot of Westminster whose jurisdiction extended over Chelsea. The roses represent England and the footballs more obviously represent the game.

Chelsea did not start wearing badges on their shirts until 1960 making this the first one used in that way. For the first few seasons the full badge, complete with circle, was sewn onto the shirts.

However due to the complexity of the design several simplified variations were stitched into the shirts during the 60s and 70s, even though the full design complete with circle remained the official club badge.  The cup triumphs of the early 70s were marked with the addition of an FA Cup symbol and stars.

1986 - 2005
Badge 1986-2005In 1986 the club adopted our fourth badge to make the most of the growing merchandising opportunities around football. While the design of the lion and CFC letters was always constant, several colour combinations were used over time and the design was at various times used within circle or shield outlines.

The badge was used for almost 19 years and many fans will have started supporting Chelsea knowing no other form. While it served the club well, fans inundated the new board of directors with demands for a return to the old-style design to take Chelsea into a new era, especially ahead of the centenary year.

2005 - till rite now

Chelsea Logo BadgeLaunched in November 2004, the new badge became effective from May 2005. Additionally, a special centenary version was used during that initial commemorative year.

At the launch, Peter Kenyon said: "We are incredibly proud of Chelsea's heritage. The design of this new badge is based on the one from the 1950s and it was a conscious decision to do this.

"As we approach our centenary year, and the club embarks on a new and very exciting era, it is appropriate that we have a new identity that reflects our tradition and can represent us for the next 100 years."

ok ni lambang ke-6 CHELSEA....................
EH!!! bukan la.. ni adalah salah satu group chelsea yg aq cuba berjinak2 masuk.. Malaysia Blue Army Supporters telah mengenalkan aq erti APA ITU LIVESCREEN, APA ITU KEKELUARGAAN, APA ITU DIE HARD FAN CHELSEA.. mcm2 kerenah bila join group ni.. suka duka berkongsi berlainan.. HAHAHA.. akhir kata ONCE MBAS, FOREVER MBAS.. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Biar Dia Tahu, Saya Tak Kisah.....


"Pada saya,
biar dia salah sangka,
biar dia salah anggap,
biar dia salah menduga,
biar dia tahu yang buruk,
sebelum mengharap yang baik-baik.
Kalau dia ikhlas,
dia akan sedia menerima kekurangan yang ada,
dari hanya mengharap yang baik dan sempurna.
Apa guna menghabiskan masa menunjukkan kebaikan
bila dia tak boleh menerima kelemahan dan kekurangan?
Biar dia tahu saya tak pandai itu, saya tak pandai ini.
Biar dia tahu, saya mungkin tak dapat memenuhi expectation dia yang tinggi melangit itu.
Biar dia tahu, saya pernah punya masa lalu, namun saya masih punya masa hadapan.
Biar dia tahu. Biar dia buat keputusan.
Supaya dia tak rasa tertipu, supaya dia tak menyesal kelak.”

"Kalau kita sukakan seseorang, jangan beritahu si dia. Nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta padanya dan Allah takkan bagi. Tapi luahkan pada Allah, beritahulah Allah. Allah maha tahu jodoh kita siapa." -Trust Him as He knows the best for us :)

so, tak kisahlah =) ada jodoh ada lah kan? I trust HIM more =) Saya lebih prefered dilihat sebagai diri saya yang tak sempurna, biarlah mereka tahu saya tidak tahu itu tidak tahu ini, dari mereka melihat kesempurnaan saya yang konon maha baik. I'm glad to be me even it's hard to be me. ^__^

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Berbuka Together-gether With Classmates At HR Steak House

Tanggal 22/08/2011 wat pertama kali ktorang student UniKL dari batch jan 2011 from class DCNET telah berbuka bersama2.. mmg best r bile firstime hangout bersama2.. kalau tidak kat kampus susa nk tgk muka masing2.. maklum la klas lect laen2.. mcm2 gelagat n aksi terpedam korang pamer kn.. ayat yg kluar dri mlut korunk pn baru2.. cth ( " hahaha tangkap gmbar pn 'mengelegak'") sapa faishal kpd md.noor.. yg lain mampu gelak tawa je.. HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUA.. pastu de yg wat aksijagung terbng la.. pling best de awek dua org pkai skirt sexy & MANTOOPP perghhh!!! tergugat iman & berkurang pahala... haish bala-bala


                                                               sue & wida(bkn bdk klas)
faishal & paan


cukup kot gmbar2 ni bg menunjukkan betapa happening nye ktorang.. hahaha..


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Zaman Dolu Dolu ..............

budak2 yg lahir pd thn 80an n 90an mesti ingat
mase skola rendah dulu:

- kat skola ade salesman jual buku

ari ni bg list, esok mintak duit
beli walaupun cerita buku tu dah tau.
salesman susu pon camtu gak.

- kat library, budak2 mmg baca buku tp
just tengok gamba je.

bile ade program
Nilam, sebok semua nak pinjam buku.

- RMT kat skola mkn x best, tp yg
berduit pon join RMT, x phm....

- pakai pensel box yg bole bukak dpn
blkg, pastu ade sharpener kat tgh2 die.
Lawan pemadam
- main lwn pemadam, syg nak guna utk

 padahal itu fungsi sbnr, utk padam!

- pakai pembaris yg bergerigi, kat dlm
ade air pastu ade bende berkilat dlm air tu.

- cikgu pakai pembaris kuning pjg.
pemegang kat tgh2 tp x penah nmpk cikgu
pgg pon kat situ.

- bulu ayam jd ramping krn sering
dijadikan rotan.

- time pendidikan seni, lukis sume boleh
tp bile time kaler sume hampeh.
ade gak
buat anyaman pakai kertas warna, kolaj
la, ape la...

- main game 2D.

super contra, super
mario, street fighter, sume pakai tape.

- jam tgn Boy London jd idaman, sbb bole
tuka2 kaler ikut suhu n cuaca.

- takut BCG tp lepas inject poyo la pulak...

- balik skola beli JoJo xpon Dendang.

Tora dtg lagi
Tora pon best gak.

Beli se mata2 nak
mainan, coklat die x mkn pon.

- Kasut berlampu kat tapak, yg iklan die
kat tV bole tembak alien tu...

- Siri kartun; power rangers, ultraman,
transformers, ninja turtles, dragon ball,
Thundercats, maskman, Gaban dan mcm lg.

main lubang tikus,tuju tin,tuju kasut,
yg best lompat getah..hahaha
polis tan tri,aci nyorok,
Tuju Tin

jgn lupe sume ni sbb zaman skrg budak2 x
smpt lyn bende2 ni.

kite akan sentiasa
berubah, cume asal-usul kite yg